
A rich and vibrant activity amplifies the natural vibration of the estate. A progressive transition toward organic agriculture (certification ongoing) formalizes this direction.

Every other rank is untouched, so that local flora can expend and deploy its richness in the soil. The roots of t some of those plants ( radis ) helps the soil to breeze wile other brings natural nutrients to it ( clover ). We limit our intervention in the vineyards in winter, allowing the rains to be better absorbed by the plant, accelerating the intense root activity during the autumn.

Hence, heroic worms can work in the best conditions; wile happy mushrooms, flowers and insects deploy their benefit to our terroir.

We are planting hedges at various places of our estate, like little sanctuaries of local and wide life.


Right in the middle of the estate is a small pond, cherished and maintained, as we would do for holly water reserved.


Since few years we our own bee house on the estate (what a honey !), only the first of a series !